The bit about me

Hey! Thank you so much for taking the time to click on my blog. Hopefully if you want to know a bit about me, then you've had a read of some of my posts and thought they weren't too shabby.  

I'd really love to expand my base of readers, as well as find lots of amazing new blogs to follow, so please leave a comment with your blog URL and I'll definitely give it a read!

The Basics

Name: Harriet Ella Clifford 

Birthday: 29th June 1995
Country: England, UK
Gender: Female
Height: 5ft7"
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Blue

My life right now

If you've read my first ever post, you'll know that I went to Durham University in October 2014 to study French and Italian.  Five weeks later, I was back home again, totally broken and lost.  That was a very dark time and I'm so relieved to say that I've managed to move on with the help of my loving family and friends, as well as this blog.  I've discovered that I love to write and that I can express things I used to struggle to say out-loud.  But this doesn't mean that I now live my whole life online: by contrast, my general communication and confidence has improved massively, thanks to having found something I'm passionate about, as well as this new platform for expressing myself.  

I am now studying English Literature at the University of York, which I am absolutely loving, and I'm thinking about a career in publishing, editing, events, or PR- basically something that involves some sort of writing! 

What I like to do

If I'd had to write this two years ago, I would have struggled to come up with something other than "I watch TV", so having a whole list of hobbies is really quite exciting!

Writing (obviously)


Retail therapy
Art Journaling (read my article about it on Eat More Cake here)
Running (I used to be a competitive athlete and cross-country runner, so I still have a bit of a love-hate relationship with it!)
Going to the pub with my friends/boyfriend
Having the occasional crazy night out 
Consuming tea and Pepsi Max by the gallon
Going to the beach
Climbing mountains 
Swimming in the sea or in a lake
Playing with (or just snuggling with) my cat 
Having lazy days
Watching films 
Watching documentaries about literally anything

Hopefully this has helped you get to know me a little bit better!  Please do leave comments/email me/Tweet me, as I'd love to get more involved in the blogging community!

Harriet x

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