10 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer in a Charity Shop


Are you a busy student, struggling to find time for a part-time job, but desperately wanting some experience? Maybe you're unemployed, retired, or perhaps you just have some spare time on your hands. Whatever your situation, giving up a couple of hours a week to help in a charity shop is something I would definitely recommend.  I've been volunteering at my local Oxfam for several months now and have been really impressed by the number of people who regularly buy and donate. However, without a consistent supply of new volunteers coming through the door, it's so difficult to truly fulfill the shop's potential, due to there simply not being enough hours in the day! So, I've come up with ten reasons why YOU should volunteer at your nearest charity shop, such as Oxfam:

  1. Volunteering means that you are doing your bit for charity and it feels great knowing that everything sold generates money for those in need.
  2. A charity shop is a friendly, low-pressure environment for learning new skills.  For example, you can learn how to be an efficient till operator, serve customers, organise and sort stock, cash-up at the end of the day and fill out paperwork, all of which will be transferable to any job you may get in the future.
  3. As well as the more practical skills above, you will probably find yourself growing in other ways, such as in confidence and social skills.  In my case, the first few times I worked on the till, I was terrified and used to silently beg customers not to buy anything so that I wouldn't have to speak to them! Now, I want to pull people in off the street to give me something to do and I'm perfectly happy to have a little chat!
  4. You will undoubtedly meet lots of interesting people. Whether it's the customers themselves, or the other volunteers, there are plenty of lovely people around to get to know. (You'll probably meet a few odd balls too, but that just adds to the fun of it!)
  5. Unlike with a job, there isn't too much commitment involved.  The shop is lucky to have you at all, so if you want to go away for the weekend, as long as you let them know, that should be fine.
  6. You can give as little or as much time as you can.  I only do one afternoon a week at the moment, while others are in almost every day.
  7. The fact that you've volunteered says a lot about you as a person and will look impressive on any CV, application or personal statement that you come to write.
  8. If you have an interest or talent in a certain area, you can 'specialise' in it; for example, a lady in Oxfam used to work in the leather industry in Italy, so she now prices and researches handbags for the shop.  Others know a lot about fashion or books, so price those items.  Or, if you're like me and fancy trying a bit of everything, then your role can be more varied!
  9. The manager of the shop will usually be happy to write you a reference for any job you may apply for in the future.
  10. Finally, you'll be one of the first to see the new donations and you may find some great bargains!
So, what are you waiting for? If you can, get down to your local charity shop as soon as possible and offer your services!
Harriet x

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