31 Day Blog Challenge
13:14I haven't blogged for a while; partly because of the amazing weather and partly because I've recently got a job, although neither reason is a particularly good excuse! So to get back on track with the blogging, I've decided to do this '31 Day Blog Challenge' I found online. There are so many different ones out there, but this one seems to be the most interesting (nevertheless I apologise in advance for any really dull posts- I'll try my best!). Today I'm just going to write the list of 31 posts and I'll start properly tomorrow.
1) Self-portrait and 5 random facts about yourself
2) Favourite quote(s)
3) What makes you happy?
4) Best childhood memory
5) Favourite film you never get tired of watching
6) Your last random act of kindness
7) What's your dream job?
8) Biggest pet hate
9) What's on your bucket list?
10) Daily routine
11) The last book you read
12) Something that you miss
13) Do you have any regrets?
14) What's on your iPod?
15) List 10 things that make you awesome
16) What's your biggest accomplishment?
17) Why and when did you start blogging?
18) Where are you happiest?
19) List 5 blogs you read on a regular basis and why
20) What do you collect?
21) What's your biggest fear?
22) What's your favourite hot, cold and alcoholic drink?
23) Do you have a hobby?
24) Describe your most embarrassing moment
25) Describe your location
26) What's your favourite food?
27) List 5 criteria for your dream job
28) What's your guilty pleasure?
29) What's your favourite time of the year and why?
30) What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?
31) Self-portrait and explain what you liked the most about this challenge
Let the challenge commence! (tomorrow)
Harriet x