Blogging tips: What to do...


You know those days when you just can't be bothered?  When you'd much rather be doing something else, like lying down or eating Ben & Jerry's out of the tub?  They suck.  I should know, because I'm having one of those days today (which makes this a struggle and also fairly hypocritical, but who says you have to actually listen to your own advice anyway?).  

It's not that you haven't got any ideas.  In fact, what makes things even worse is that you have got lots of ideas, but you just don't feel like it.  If you're anything like me, then on those days there's this irritating voice inside your head telling you you must write that blog post/ article/ comment NOW, otherwise bad things will happen.  If you don't do it today then that's it, everyone will think you've lost interest in your 'passion' and have given up on this writing lark.

I'm sure there are loads of blog posts out there that would give you (and me) some really useful tips on how to boost the motivation levels. If you really need to get that piece done (maybe there's a deadline or you're a pro blogger or something), then perhaps you do need something inspirational to help you get your head down.  But if not, and you just blog or contribute to online magazines for fun, then the 'fun''s kind of gone if you're having to force it.  

Even though I only have 2 followers on Blogger and not many more on Bloglovin' (hint hint), I still find myself feeling under pressure to keep my blog regularly updated.  But when I start feeling stressed about it, I remind myself that I'm doing this because I enjoy it, so if one day I don't feel like blogging, that's fine.  And although it's important to be committed, if I'm not in the mood for writing an article, then it's not the end of the world if I give this one a miss.

So, you've decided to give yourself a day off.  What now? Do you sit around feeling guilty and wishing you were as motivated and inspired as so-and-so?  Possibly, but don't.  Do something else you enjoy. Or, if you still want to keep things blog-related, take photos or plan future posts.  But, if you just want to completely forget about it for a while, then go for it; you'll probably find that when you come back to it you feel totally re-energised.

If all else fails, then I suppose you could just write a blog post about what to do when you're not in the mood for writing...

Harriet x

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  1. Depends on the day and how long it had been since I had posted but I usually don't feel guilty, I try to put my real job and being a mom and wife first before the blog
    xx, Jodi

    1. Yeah that's great, those things definitely come first. I need to remember to put spending time with my family before the blog xx

  2. Good post! I hate days like that, too. But you're right - we sometimes do put pressure on ourselves when we don't need to. I love writing, but some days I just can't. That usually means I have to have a rest and go back fresh another day!

    1. Thank you Amy! Yeah I always have to check myself when I start feeling stressed about it and remember that it's meant to be enjoyable! Phew, glad to know it's not just me who has off-days:) Thanks for your comment, if you've got a blog I'd love to have a look so feel free to leave your url! Harriet x

  3. Hey :) I do have a blog, it's here: Thank you! Blog sharing love hehe :)

    1. Thanks! Wow, I love it You're like the kind of blogger I aspire to be haha :') xx

    2. Thank you! Hehe just keep blogging, we're all in this together :) I love how you use images in your titles. I may try that sometime, it look so pretty! If you want to get some blogging tips follow @UKBlogAwards on Twitter & take part in their weekly Blog Hour chats. Great time to meet other bloggers as well!

    3. Yeah will do! Thank you, I use a really good site called Canva. It's free and so easy to use:) ooh okay cool, thanks for the advice! x


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