31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 12
Day 12: Something that you miss
There are quite a few things that I miss, most of which I don't particularly fancy sharing with the world. So I'm afraid I'm going to be pretty dull and say that I miss being a child.
I miss summer evenings playing out in the garden or the street until late, then coming inside and washing my muddy feet in a bucket of hot soapy water.
I miss not watching the news and being blissfully unaware of all the awful things going on around me.
I miss going to the outdoor pool at my primary school in the boiling hot sun and buying bright blue or cola flavoured ice-pops.
I miss being uncontrollably excited about everything, whether it be a non-uniform day or a coach journey with school.
I miss waking up on snowy mornings and listening anxiously to the radio in my parents room, hoping that my school would be on the list of closures.
I miss going to the Lake District and climbing mountains without getting out of breath.
I miss having the blind faith in adults to know and be able to do anything.
I miss not being constantly surrounded by people on their phones.
I miss my Walkman and listening to story-tapes on long car journeys.
I miss eating loads of sweets and trying desperately to stay awake until midnight at sleepovers.
What do you miss?
Harriet x