31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 15
Day 15: List 10 things that make you awesome
I think most people would probably hesitate before using the word 'awesome' in a description of me, but never mind, let's just go with it!
One- I've baked a few pretty tasty cakes in my time.
Two- Both of my duvet sets are from the kids section in M&S (yes, obviously this makes me awesome)
Three- I've still got a penguin-shaped rubber in a box from when I was at primary school. I was obsessed with it so I kept it even though it broke in half.
Four- I'm finding this really hard (as I'm sure you can tell), which I guess probably makes me the opposite of awesome.
Five- I dip-dyed my hair really blonde yesterday? It looks pretty awesome....
Six- I've performed with a choir and orchestra in Notre-Dame, Disney Land Paris and some other cool places, which is awesome, but doesn't really make me awesome:(
Seven- I came 52nd out of about 300 in the English Schools Cross Country Championships 2013 (now I'm just showing off)
Eight- I've got a mind-map on my cork-board entitled 'Things to do in the evening'. (Don't ask)
Nine- I'm a pro at making tea
Ten- In writing this I've established that I'm well and truly un-awesome. But what is awesome, is that I don't care!
Harriet x