31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 13


Day 13: Do you have any regrets?

Yup, of course I do.  But this is all getting just a little bit too personal for my liking! Instead of pouring out my deepest darkest secrets to the internet, I was just going to put down a few silly regrets, such as "I regret not buying a cup of tea on my lunch break".  But then I quickly Googled the actual definition of "regret" and here is what the Oxford Dictionary Online had to say:


[MASS NOUN]Back to top  
1A feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do:she expressed her regret at Virginia’s deathhe had to decline, to his regret 

VERB (regretsregrettingregretted)

1Feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that one has done or failed to do):she immediately regretted her words[WITH CLAUSE]: I always regretted that I never trained
After having read that, I decided that my feelings towards not buying a cup of tea at lunch aren't quite strong enough to warrant a place on my '"regrets" blog post.

So, seeing as I'm not going to share any of my actual regrets, this is the end of today's Blog Challenge.  At least we all now know how to define it properly...

Just in case anyone's keeping tabs, I probably won't be blogging for the next week as I'm going on holiday.  I know taking a break kind of defeats the point of the 31 Day Blog Challenge, but I decided that I don't want blogging to become a chore or an obligation, so if I want to pause, then pause I shall.

Harriet x

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