31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 20


Day 20: What do you collect?

I used to collect Sylvanians (you know, those little furry animal families?) along with all their houses, schools, canal boats, bakeries etc.  I also used to lay down some green and blue felt in my room, which I'd then use as the backdrop for an entire Sylvanian village.  Being the slightly obsessive child that I was, I had a list of the names (first and surname) of every single animal I owned, which must have been well over 100.  

As a huge treat one day, my Dad said he'd drive me into London, to the one and only Sylvanian Families shop around.  We got a bit lost, or maybe there was traffic, but we were still on our way when it got to closing time.  Instead of just accepting it, my Dad rang ahead and begged them to stay open late for us, as he couldn't bare to disappoint me.  When we finally got there, they gave me some free bear (I think?) babies, although I'm not really sure why, seeing as they'd had to stay open for me!  

I was one happy little bunny (Sylvanian bunny of course)

(Image courtesy of http://4.bp.blogspot.com/)

Harriet x

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