31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 17
Day 17: Why and when did you start blogging?
Hold on one second while I just go and check the date of my first blog post....
Okay, so I published my first blog post on 4th May 2014- not that long ago really. If you haven't already read it, this post had the rather catchy (not) title of "Stop the conveyor belt! Or better still, get off the conveyor belt. Actually, just turn around and run in the opposite direction". Bit of a mouthful I know, but cut the newbie some slack.
Three months on and it still remains my most viewed and commented on post. I guess this is because it was the first time I'd opened up to a lot of my family and friends about what had happened to me over the last year. Of course, many of them knew I'd left university, but most didn't really know why.
Before I wrote the post, I don't think I'd ever managed to put into words (even in my head) exactly why things went wrong. So I guess I started blogging as a sort of therapy. If that had been the only reason, then I could have just written a private diary. But (I'm sorry if this is selfish), I suppose it gives more purpose to my writing when I know that a few people may be reading it. Also, I wanted to share my story to help others in similar situations. As it turned out, I was very surprised by the number of people who got in touch with me about how they felt about it all. I hadn't quite realised that my experience of sixth-form wasn't all that unusual!
When I first made this blog, it was called 'Unfollow the Crowd', which was appropriate for my first post, but I soon found it difficult to think of things to write about! Then I changed it to 'The random ramblings of a girl called Harriet', which doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. By this point, I'd worked out that I wanted to have more of a general/lifestyle blog, rather than one specifically about a certain thing. I do also have a Student Survival Kit, which I started two days after this blog. (Visit it here for some tips about sixth-form and university application.) So I decided to keep this original blog as a more personal and reflective thing, and the other for offering my advice about being a student at school.
I soon grew tired of my long blog name, especially when I was trying to come up with a logo! Miraculously, the phrase 'Tea Stains and Daisy Chains' popped into my head, which is not too shabby, in my humble opinion anyway.
Another reason for starting this blog was because I became interested in journalism and writing as a career. I spoke to a few people about it, and the majority told me that a blog is a great way to have a go at putting your views and writing out there, as well as being an enjoyable hobby. I began with great enthusiasm, armed with a huge list of post ideas. Unsurprisingly I soon calmed down a little, realising that I wouldn't be able to come up with some controversial or thought-provoking piece everyday (if ever!).
But other than slowing down slightly, I'm pleased to say that I haven't lost interest and that I'm hoping to reach out to more readers. I'd also love to find more blogs to read regularly, so feel free to leave a comment below and I'll definitely take a sneaky peek (and hopefully more!). Bloglovin' seems like a really good way to get to know more blogs and bloggers, so please do follow my blog on there too and let me know how I can find you!
Harriet x
P.S. I'm going away again for a few days, so I'm taking another break from this '31 Day Blog Challenge'. I know I'm totally cheating, but oh well!
Another reason for starting this blog was because I became interested in journalism and writing as a career. I spoke to a few people about it, and the majority told me that a blog is a great way to have a go at putting your views and writing out there, as well as being an enjoyable hobby. I began with great enthusiasm, armed with a huge list of post ideas. Unsurprisingly I soon calmed down a little, realising that I wouldn't be able to come up with some controversial or thought-provoking piece everyday (if ever!).
But other than slowing down slightly, I'm pleased to say that I haven't lost interest and that I'm hoping to reach out to more readers. I'd also love to find more blogs to read regularly, so feel free to leave a comment below and I'll definitely take a sneaky peek (and hopefully more!). Bloglovin' seems like a really good way to get to know more blogs and bloggers, so please do follow my blog on there too and let me know how I can find you!
Harriet x
P.S. I'm going away again for a few days, so I'm taking another break from this '31 Day Blog Challenge'. I know I'm totally cheating, but oh well!