31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 23


Day 23: Do you have a hobby?

This time a year ago, that question would have filled me with dread.  Luckily, I've had some time off and have now discovered my long-lost hobbies! Yes, hobbies.

1) Writing- blogs/articles 
2) Reading- mostly novels, plus a few YA fictions and chick-lits
3) Baking- cakes, biscuits, buns, whatever really as long as it tastes good and looks pretty
4) Running- I wish
5) Art journaling- my new hobby! (see this post)
6) Sewing- I haven't done this in a while, but I still like it
7) Drinking tea- not sure if this counts, but oh well!

What are your hobbies? Or do you struggle to find time to work out what you actually enjoy doing?

Harriet x 

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