31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 27


Day 27: List 5 criteria for your dream job

Okay, so I know I've already talked about what my dream job would be (Day 7) and it's all well and good saying that I want to be something.  But what are the things that actually appeal to me about the job?  What would I want to do on a day-to-day basis?  Below are my criteria for my dream job (definitely wishful thinking)...

1) Involves writing creatively or informatively

2) Is engaging and challenging (i.e. is not boring)

3) Involves working independently but not in isolation

4) Allows me to get to know and interact with lots of people (I never thought I'd be saying that!)

5) Enables me to serve others in whatever way I can

Do you have criteria for your dream job?  Or maybe you're in the job you've always wanted- has it lived up to expectations?

Harriet x

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