31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 21


Day 21: What's your biggest fear?

I try not to think about my fears too much because I don't see the point, but the thing I'm terrified of is probably something that causes mass fear.  I've always dreaded turning on the news and hearing panicked reporters telling us to 'Stay calm'.  I'm not exactly sure what I'm expecting, but probably things like war, terrorism, or some sort of natural hazard.  This might seem silly when I live in the relatively safe country of England, but from a young age this has been my biggest fear. 

I remember lying in bed as a child and panicking every time I heard a car door slam, in case it was a bomb or a gunshot.  I would cower whenever a plane flew over at night, praying that it wasn't another country coming to bomb us.  

If I grew up fearing these things, I just cannot imagine how awful it must be for those children who go to bed every night with the genuine fear that these things could happen to their friends and families at any moment.  

So if you're reading this, forget about me and my fears, and think instead of those children.

Harriet x

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